State Government

We are a service provider of choice for State Government Departments including Police, Fire & Emergency Services where we bring to bear decades of experience in this sector both in Australia and overseas.

GSA is a supplier appointed to the Queensland Government Professional Services Panel (QGP0050-18) and the
New South Wales Government Performance and Management Services Scheme (PMSS)

Completed an independent strategic review of a State Police Service

Worked together with a State Government Agency to provide engagement across the workforce and scope a transformation program

Worked in partnership with a State Police Service to design and implement a new service delivery model to enhance the service provided to the community

Completed a current and future state assessment to enhance client management for a State Government frontline service delivery organisation

Worked with a State based Fire & Emergency Services organisation to provide benchmarking of cost and performance

Completed a capability assessment across client management functions for a State Government frontline service delivery organisation

Developed a Benefits Management Framework for a State Government organisation

Evaluated a range of organisation design options for a State based Fire and Emergency Services organisation

Designed and facilitated strategic planning workshops for a Statutory Body Regulator

Designed and implemented an enhanced approach to complaints management for a State Government agency

Designed a framework and supporting annual process for capability funding prioritisation (and deprioritisation)

Completed customer journey maps and business requirements to support future system design